Catherine Gracey

Interview: H. David Blalock

In American, Author, Editor, Uncategorized on November 15, 2012 at 9:00 am

H. David Blalock is an author and an editor from Tennessee who is counting down to the end of the world this year. I suspect it might be to avoid his annual publication target but, with a list of credits as impressive as his, he probably doesn’t have too much to worry about. He is currently embarking on his first blog tour to celebrate the release of his latest novel, Traitor Angel, which is the next installment of the Angelkiller Triad. David recently took the time to answer my questions. Bonus points if you catch his reference to someone else who has been interviewed on this site.

1)   What is something you do in your professional or artistic life that you think is really cool, and why do you think that about it?

I really enjoy writing, but it’s actually the storytelling that means so much to me. I get to express myself and connect with the reader, share in a moment when our minds look at the same idea and, hopefully, see it in the same light. When that works, there are no words for how satisfying that is to me.

2)   How did you come to be in the career position you are currently in?

I have always been a writer, but of course not always published, so I guess the question you’re asking would be how I came to be a published writer. I suppose it was because I wouldn’t give up on the possibility I could be published and could share my work with a larger audience than just friends and family. Perseverance and stubbornness.

3)   What is something from your personal life that you are very proud of, and why are you proud?

At the risk of sounding cliche, that would be my two daughters, Herika and Celina. They have, in spite of their handicap of having me as their father, grown into fine women with beautiful families. I can take some credit, however small, just to make myself feel good, but the majority of that has to go to them and their mother.

4)   What is a personality trait you possess that other people might not notice, and how would they miss it?

I have a very short temper but good control. If either one slipped, I’m sure that other people would notice. It has happened once or twice in the past (maybe three times). I do not enjoy the company of fools and, thank God, I am seldom if ever there.

5)   If you could change just one thing about the world, what would it be and why would you change it?

I would eliminate the root cause of all human problems: apathy. All our conflicts and troubles can be traced in one way or another to the apathy of a nation, a race, or a people. Once people become involved, things get done. Otherwise, nothing ever changes.

6)   If you could give a young person one piece of advice, what would it be?

Never stop learning. Just because you’re no longer in school or university does not mean you can stop learning. Investigate. Question everything. Trust nothing but your own understanding, no matter how hard that may sound. Only one person can ever truly know what you need from life: you. Find out what that is, and go for it with all your heart.

7)   What is something that you would like to do in your life that you haven’t done yet, and why haven’t you done it?

Wow. That is a very profound question. Especially the second part of it. Looking back on my life, I find it difficult to say there is anything I would rather have done, so I really can’t answer truthfully. So many people go through life trying to please everyone they end up with a thousand regrets. I may have regrets, but they are for things I have done, not for what I haven’t.

8)   What is something that you have sworn to never do again, and why won’t you repeat it?

Jump out of a perfectly good airplane. It took me just a fraction of a second to realize that really wasn’t for me, but by that time it was too late.

9)   If you could break one personal habit, what would it be and why would you break it?

Probably being overly critical of myself and others. It is the kind of thing that distracts you from really enjoying the world around you. It makes it more difficult to connect with others. I never voice my critique, but it resounds in my head and colors my reactions.

10)   If you could take up a new hobby or learn a new skill, what would it be and why?

Spelunking. Why? Because it would be something I know next to nothing about and want to learn.

11)   Is there anything from you that we should be looking out for in the future?

There are several short stories from multiple publishers and, of course, my new novel from Seventh Star Press, Traitor Angel. In the coming year I hope to have two more novels out as well as the possibility of five short stories. I invite your readers to follow my blog for updates.

Thank you, David, for taking the time to answer my questions. If you would like to know more about David, you can read his blog and visit his website.

Next Week: Alethea Kontis

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